Monday, 11 August 2014

Butterfly goes green. And red, and blue

Dear All,

As many of you may have noticed, we have a new scheme to reuse and recycle tennis balls, and also to recycle bottles and cans etc. In fact we already recycle, but this is an improved, streamlined system.

Please help us make this a success. Here's how it works. 

'Previously-enjoyed' tennis balls
Please put your used balls in the new red bin. Anyone can then use these (please return them afterwards). When truly 'dead', the balls will be recycled. They'll be sent to a recycling company who will pay us a small cash amount per ball, which in turn Butterfly will donate to our chosen charity,

Many thanks to Julian Parsons for sorting all of this out on behalf of the club and also to the local members who continue to empty the bins into their own recycling / waste when full.  The club is run by volunteers and we are always looking for people who want to help out - please contact me directly on if you would like to get involved.


BTC Chair

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Wimbledon draw and club social 7pm Thursday 24 April @ the Crooked Well

Dear all

We have eight pairs of Wimbledon tickets allocated to us this year by the LTA.  We will be running a draw to pick 16 names out of the hat (8 plus 8 reserves) for these tickets on Thursday 24 April at 7pm at the Crooked Well on Grove Lane.  We will also combine this with a social to start the season and welcome new members with a few nibbles.  I will then contact the winners in order to determine which tickets they want (you do not need to be present at the draw to enter, but you will need to respond to my email promptly if you are a winner).

If you wish to enter the draw, you must elect to do so (individual memberships will be counted as one entry and family memberships as two, though they can win only once) by emailing me directly - this keeps the allocation to those that want to participate and avoids allocating to any legacy members.  To be eligible, you must have paid your 2014/15 membership and be signed up to British Tennis under Butterfly Tennis Club by 23 April.  Links to do both are below:

These are the tickets we have available:
 Event Date
 Event Day
Cost per ticket
Number 1
Number 1
Number 1
Number 2
Number 2
Please let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to seeing many of you there.


Monday, 24 February 2014

Open Day & AGM - Sunday 23 March 2:30pm

Dear all

The Club will be having its Open Day from 2:30pm on Sunday 23 March, expected to last until 4:30pm when we will hold our AGM, which is open to all members.  Please come down, meet some of the Committee, have a game, join for 2013/14 and tell your friends.

If you have anything you wish to raise for the AGM, it helps if you let me know in advance, but you are also welcome to raise anything on the day.  I'll post an agenda in due course.


BTC Chair