Friday, 29 March 2019

Membership renewal – Important Notice

The membership renewal window has now closed. Anyone who would like to (re)join the Club should send an email with their details.  Emails will be collated during each month and processed in the first week of the subsequent month.

Please read our "Joins us" page for further information

Friday, 8 March 2019

Butterfly Tennis Club - Membership Subscriptions 2019-2020 are now due

Butterfly Tennis Club - Membership Subscriptions 2019-2020 are now due.
Your 2019-2020 Butterfly Tennis Club annual subscription is now due. The membership year will run until 31st March 2020.

Membership rates remain the same as last year. Your membership category is : family
The payment system is the same as last year, so you will pay via Stripe using any debit/credit card.

To pay, please login to the booking system website, click "Membership Subscription" on the left side, and follow the instruction to pay online with your card.

If you have forgotten your login details, please click the following link to use the Forgotten Password process.

The payment deadline is Thursday 21st March 2019. Any members who have not renewed by that date will have their memberships deactivated on 1st April and will not be able to reactivate until the first week of May. The code for entry to the courts will also be changing in early April.

May I remind everyone the Club is run by volunteers and it makes life much easier if people renew within the deadline. It will only take you a few minutes to do so. Please help by renewing in a timely manner. There will be less flexibility this year in allowing for renewals/new members throughout the season to reduce the administrative load.
All Family groups from last year have been copied across. Only one member of the family needs to make payment.

Please note the Club is considering the installation of floodlights and the resurfacing of the courts during this membership year. This could lead to the Club being closed for 4-6 weeks. Members will not receive any refunds or compensation were that to be the case. Any court closure will not occur during the summer months.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Butterfly Tennis Club Annual Tournaments 2019

The Butterfly Tennis Club will once again be hosting Annual Tennis Tournaments in 2019.

Registration open until 21st March.

The Butterfly Tennis Club will once again be hosting Annual Tennis Tournaments in 2019.
The Tournament Director this year is Julian Parsons, and he will be assisted by me. Please contact Julian on for any queries.

We will be contesting Men's and Ladies' Singles, Men's and Ladies' Doubles and Mixed Doubles Tournaments. The caveat for hosting all tournaments is that we need a minimum of 8 singles participants or doubles pairs. If there isn't enough interest the tournament will not take place.

The Registration Deadline is Thursday 21st March. Please register your interest via the MyCourts booking site, by clicking on the "Tournaments" button at the top and choosing the tournament of interest. There is no cost for entering the tournaments.

The Tournament Draws will be made by the Tournament Director, Club Chair and anyone else who would like to be present as soon as possible after the Registration Deadline. Exact time and place will be notified in advance. Seedings will be determined by the Tournament Director based on current form.

The Tournaments will begin on 1st April, and we will aim to have the Finals weekend at the end of June. Hopefully we can replicate the great success of the Ladies' Singles Final last year.

This year there will be a much stricter adherence to deadlines, with enforced coin-tosses to decide matches which aren't played by the required deadlines.

All the matches will be best of 3 tie-break sets.

The Singles Finals will have an umpire and line judges and the doubles just an umpire (subject to volunteer availability). The Club will provide tennis balls (Wilson US Open) for the Finals. Players must provide balls for all other matches.

There are a lot of new members who have joined the Club this season, and I encourage everyone to get involved.

I would especially like to encourage the Ladies to enter the Singles and Doubles. We have never had a Ladies' Doubles before, so it would be great to get it started. The Ladies' Singles has often struggled for numbers, but I know we have many good players at the Club, so please sign up. It will be fun!

If you would like to enter one of the Doubles Tournaments but don't have a partner, please sign up online and send Julian an email. We will do our best to find you a partner.