Monday, 27 April 2009
It's membership time
The new membership year is upon us. We have changed the membership year End / Commencement to correspond with the proposed open day - 30th May therefore the membership year will be 30th May / 1st June. Those of you who have been members for a number of years will recall that our previous membership rates were: £100 - Family; £75 - Individual and £25 - Social Member / Concession. The past few years we had reduced this in acknowledgement of the poor state of the playing surface and the last years partial closure.
As you may have noticed, the resurfacing is complete and we have a premium quality playing surface. The north boundary wall is due for completion at the end of this year and the club house is scheduled for the Tennis Club occupancy in 2010. To ensure the future of the club the executive Committee has decided to set the 2009 - 2010 membership rates as follows:
£90 - Family
£60 - Individual
£15 - Social Member / Concession
We will shortly be issuing new enrolment forms and we look forward to your membership and enjoy your play!
Along with the new membership year we will be changing the door access code on or around 1st June. In order to recieve this code you will need to complete your membership form and payment must be recieved. At the moment we are only able to take cash or cheque payemnts.
Please do tell your friends.
Michael McGeady
Membership Secretary and Treasurer